Tuesday 26 August 2014

18th-22nd August : R+1.4

Monday: Simple with trend trade (short) off multiple R

Tuesday: Another simple with trend trade (short) off multiple R

Wednesday: Again another simple with trend trade (short) off multiple R

Thursday: Stinking hangover: fight with an old friend, interestingly he's also a trader. Don't know if this is going to effect my trading. I don't want it to.  There could be an element of wanting to do better than him to" rub his nose" in it, despite the fight having nothing to do with trading.

Friday: On Holiday

Psychology: Should mention I've been working the LOA (law of Attraction ) before starting trading each day, basically making sure I feel good before I start.  This has meant that my start time has varied a lot as I will lie in if I feel I need it, or will spend longer on certain exercises until I feel good. But clearly this has not had a negative effect on my PL, or may be more to the point..."clearly this has had a positive effect on my PL".

Summary:  Getting head feeling good before I start, makes trading the plan easier. I didn't do anything other than read PA, wait for it to PB/RL and trigger as my plan states but the results have been complete different because I'm more relaxed!

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