P/L: -0.4% / £8.88 CAP £2427.72
A. HSL , don't trade because confirmation BD W1+MN S.
1. REV to (and thru) 252 (-0.4), exit CBPL (close below prior low)
B. HSL, was out from 1130-1330 so luckily missed this trade that didn't workout.
C. HSL, didn't take this trade because 8/21 was too tight on trigger.
D. REV to 252 , didn't take because RRR less than 1:1 before meeting 252EMA.
E. Gap down on News
Watched a couple of videos today on trading. Ari Kiev, I basically got from it stuff I already knew from his books but a good reminder to , set a goal, take responsibility for it by doing whatever work is needed to achieve it and a note on actually timing with a stop watch your discomfort as it occurs in an effort to over come it.
Some exits / TSL I spotted. Using closes above / below prior sessions high / low (see guide).
Summary: Great to see price moving but TBH I had a feeling it was going to bang straight into W1 and MN S and do naf all, which it did until news. At least price seems to be making a home beneath W1 and MN S so hopefully the downside should be free to trend. No bias just an observation, I don't care where price goes as long it moves. Happy with personal performance as I did everything I should have. Happy with strategy as it kept me out of most of the poor action. Good day.